Monday, February 24, 2014

Most unique attractions haunted Indonesia

Kontilola cave in Wamena, Papua save a million mysteries. This cave into the kingdom of thousands of bats and also contains an odd paintings resemble humans. Is this painting an alien?

Kontilola a horizontal cave of wamena, Papua Indonesian, however, to get into it you have to provide complete equipment such as flashlights, boots, helmets, and other safety. so, you can only get in the hall of magnitude only if it does not bring complete equipment.

No need to be dissapointed, of the great hall of the cave you can see a miracle which also became the mistery.

The painting can be seen clearly with the naked eye. Surprisingly, the painting does not depict such a person the Papuans, but depict humans with strange shapes. the shape does resemble the shape of the human body. however, if observed, his head is round like a ball and does not have hair. His eyes was perfectly round, not like people in general. Like an Alien! addition, there are fingers on the painting amounted to four. Unlike the five fingered man. Accourding to local people this painting has long existed in the cave, they also believe that thi is the ancestral heritage

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