Monday, March 3, 2014

in memory 7 Hottest Natural Phenomenon In The World


This story begins about 35 years ago distinguished . An expert geologists have dug this place to look for original gas . Suddenly during the excavations, they have a big gap terjumpa underground . because it was too big so all excavation equipment has been entered into the abyss . Nothing anyone who dared to descend into the abyss the abyss due to the original gas filled the earth .To avoid gas will pollute the earth , they had lit a fire in the ravine and since from it so that now , it has been 35 years this hole burning endlessly even for a moment

2. Blood Rain In INDIA

More than 500,000 cubic meters of red rain water pouring into the earth. At first, scientists thought that rain was caused by desert sand, but the scientists discovered something shocking, the red elements in the water are living cells, cells that are not derived from the earth.

The first rains fell in the districts of Kottayam and Idukki in the southern region of India. Not only red rain, the first 10 days of rain reported yellow, green, and even black. After 10 days, the intensity of the rainfall eased thought Septermber.

The rain fell only on a limited area and usually only lasts about 20 minutes by rain. The local recidents found the clothes are dried in the sun turns red like blood. Local residents also reported and explosion sound and light rain that preceded the explosion believed to be a meteor.

The rain water samples were immediately for examination by the Indian government and scientists . One of the independent scientists who analyzed it was Godfrey Louis and Santosh Kumara of Mahatma Gandhi University.

The collected more than 120 reports of local and collect samples of red rain water from areas along the 100 km. First the thought the the red particles in the water are borne sand particles from the Arabian desert.

This Ever happened in July 1968 where the sands of the Sahara desert wind up causing red rain in England. However, they thought that the red elements in the water is not a grain of sand, but cells are alive.

The cell composition consists of 50% carbon, 45% ixygen and 5% other elements such as iron and sodium, consistent with other components of biological cells, and the cells were also dividing. The cell has a diameter of between 3-10 micrometers thick cell wall and has variety of nanostructures within the membrane.

But there is no identiufiable nucleus. Each cubic meter of samples taken, there are 100 grams of red elements. So if you add up, then from July to Septermber there were 50 tons of red particles are poured into the earth.

At the University of of Sheffield, UK, and expert named Milton Wanwright microbiologically confimed that the red elements are living cells. It is ecpressed as Wainwright managed to find the presence of the DNA of the cell elements even thought he has not managed to extract them.

Because of the red particles are living cells, the scientists put forward the theory that it was blood red particles. Acoording to them, the possibility of a meteorite that exploded in the air had slauhtered a bunch of bats in the air. However, this theory was rejected because there was no evidence to support such bat wings that fell earth.

With the connection between the explosions and the light rain that preceded the Louis forward the theory that the cells are terrestrial beings. Louis cocluded that the red material came from a comet entering the Earth's atmosphere and exploded over the skies of India.

A study conducted by doctoral student at Queen's University, Ireland named Patrick McCafferty find historical records linking colored with meteor explosion. McCafferty analyzed 80 reports of colored rains, 20 reports of water turned into blood, and 68 examples of similar phenomena li black rain, milk or honey rain down from the sky.

36% of the samples turned out to be connected with the activity of a meteor of comet. Such incidents occur ranging from ancient Roman, medieval and the UK and even the 19th century California. McCafferty said, " there sames to be a strong relationship between rain reports colored woth meteor activity, the red rain of Karala match these patternd and can not be ignored."

So, if the red rain in Kerala extraterrestrial origin ? Some scientists are skeptical necessarily reject thi theory. But some other scientists have not found the answer immediately glance back to an obsolete theory proposed by physicist Dr.Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, a theory called Peanspermia, which is a theory that life on Earth came from outer space.

According to the two scientists initially in space are interstellar gas containing bacteria. As the cloud shrinks due to gravity to from the star system, the bacteria that is in them still survive in the comet.

When the comet was explosed to sunlight, solar heat melt the ice on the come's surface, these bacteria escaped and were swept into the nearest planets. This theory is also based on Charles Darwin's argument that the bacteria actually have caracteristic 'extraterrestrial'.
3. Blood Waterfall In Antartica

Scientists think the red color came from algae, but it turns out it is a natural occurrence that makes it even more spectacular. For almost two thousand years, Taylor sealed beneath a small amount of water containing ancient microbial communities. Trapped below a thick layer of ice, they have been there ever since, isolated inside a natural time sapsule. Existing cracks in the glacier lake causing subgletser flow out, forming streams without contaminating the ecosystem around it.

Evoloved independently in the isolated world, these microbes live in world without light or oxygen and heat is minimal. The event is called the primordial slow flow. The trapped lake has high levels of salinity and rich in iron, which gives the rd color to the waterfall. The existence of blood flow ecosystem shows that life is very possible even in the most extreme conditions of the earth thought.

Thanks to life has never seen the eyes derectly, the phenomenon of blood flow in the Antartic seans to be exceptional both visually and scientifically.


5 . Crop Circles

Crop circles ( from English : Crop circles ) is a regular pattern that forms mysteriously in the area of ​​crop fields , often overnight . This phenomenon was first discovered in England in late 1970 , with the shape of a simple circular patterns . In later times , these patterns tend to be more complicated now and not limited to just form a circle . However, because it refers to its origins , the term is still retained crop circles .

Those who study the phenomenon of crop circles is often referred to by the term " cerealogis " , and the study of this phenomenon is called dengancereolog . The Cerealogis then develop a new term for this phenomenon , namely agriglif .The phenomenon of " crop circles " are often linked with the issue of Strange Flying Objects ( BETA ) or UFO , or even extraterrestrials .

6 . Climbers GOAT IN MOROCCO


Rain Fish in Australia . The Daily Telegraph has reported Alamyang Phenomena Magic in Australia , in the form of rain Fish . Over two days , small fish falling from the sky along with rain on Lajamanu in the Northern Territory .

This is an event third time in less than 30 years ago Lajamanu bombarded with rain fish . Under the Northern Territory News reports , fish rain phenomenon also occurred in 1974 and 2004.

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